Tom once owned a little house with a little garden and in this garden grew both a kiwi and a lichi tree.
Now, Tom really liked his garden and absolutely adored his Kiwi tree. He had been brought up with Kiwis after all and everybody knew they were healthy and basically THE fruit to eat. The Kiwis were part of him, ingrained in his life and personality.
Tom also remembered many stories he had heard about a myterious fruit. One he did not really believe in. Those legends attributed great power and wisdom to the fruit. It tasted like a piece of heaven and nothing could rival it. But even in those stories there had only been holy people who had found it and tasted of its white flesh.
Tom unabashedly went on living off his Kiwis everyday however. Even if the stories of that wonderous fruit were true surely it was only to be found by divinely inspired.
One day, Tom felt absolutley frustrated by his life and the meaninglesness of it. Not even the stories of the great fruit could make him believe in anything anymore. He went out into his garden and looking at the Kiwi tree decided he was sick of it and all it stood for.
As he averted his eyes, a whole new world seemed to open up before him. He actually "saw" his whole garden and all the other plants in it, where just blankness seemed to have resided before.
Far in the back Tom discovered a tree that seemed to carry strange nut like things. He became very curious and walked over to pick one off the tree. He held it in his hand and looked at it closely. Never before had he actually seen this, and for the first time he came to grasp that maybe there was something else aside from kiwis in world. He took the nut back inside and tried to research it on the internet. Many websites and ideas came up. Half sounded interesting, half scary, trying to brainwash him or steal his money. But none really explained anythin about this supposed fruit.
So Tom decided to find out about it himself. He fetched a knife from the kitchen and tried to cut the shell in half. To Tom's astonishment it split alot easier than he had expected and within the shell white juicy flesh was reveiled. Tom took hold of his courage that instant and tasted it.
A veil seemed to be lifted from his eyes.
All his life he had eaten Kiwi's just like everybody else, and sure they were tasty, but this was so different, this just showed him what else was out there. And suddenly all of Tom's worries and troubles evaporated. He knew now. He understood and with a laugh of joy he jumped up and went out to pick more lichis.
Although Tom wanted to tell everybody about his great discovery, nobody would believe him, nobody would even be willing to try one of the Lichis.
"How could they possibly be any better than Kiwis! What a proposterous thought to have! Only that great fruit from the legends could be any better than Kiwis and obviously nobody could ever find that. Especially not Tom!"
But Tom smiled to himself. He knew better. And even if nobody wanted to listen, He would carry his lichis around, eating them until one day maybe, somebody would be curious enough to have a taste.
Now, Tom really liked his garden and absolutely adored his Kiwi tree. He had been brought up with Kiwis after all and everybody knew they were healthy and basically THE fruit to eat. The Kiwis were part of him, ingrained in his life and personality.
Tom also remembered many stories he had heard about a myterious fruit. One he did not really believe in. Those legends attributed great power and wisdom to the fruit. It tasted like a piece of heaven and nothing could rival it. But even in those stories there had only been holy people who had found it and tasted of its white flesh.
Tom unabashedly went on living off his Kiwis everyday however. Even if the stories of that wonderous fruit were true surely it was only to be found by divinely inspired.
One day, Tom felt absolutley frustrated by his life and the meaninglesness of it. Not even the stories of the great fruit could make him believe in anything anymore. He went out into his garden and looking at the Kiwi tree decided he was sick of it and all it stood for.
As he averted his eyes, a whole new world seemed to open up before him. He actually "saw" his whole garden and all the other plants in it, where just blankness seemed to have resided before.
Far in the back Tom discovered a tree that seemed to carry strange nut like things. He became very curious and walked over to pick one off the tree. He held it in his hand and looked at it closely. Never before had he actually seen this, and for the first time he came to grasp that maybe there was something else aside from kiwis in world. He took the nut back inside and tried to research it on the internet. Many websites and ideas came up. Half sounded interesting, half scary, trying to brainwash him or steal his money. But none really explained anythin about this supposed fruit.
So Tom decided to find out about it himself. He fetched a knife from the kitchen and tried to cut the shell in half. To Tom's astonishment it split alot easier than he had expected and within the shell white juicy flesh was reveiled. Tom took hold of his courage that instant and tasted it.
A veil seemed to be lifted from his eyes.
All his life he had eaten Kiwi's just like everybody else, and sure they were tasty, but this was so different, this just showed him what else was out there. And suddenly all of Tom's worries and troubles evaporated. He knew now. He understood and with a laugh of joy he jumped up and went out to pick more lichis.
Although Tom wanted to tell everybody about his great discovery, nobody would believe him, nobody would even be willing to try one of the Lichis.
"How could they possibly be any better than Kiwis! What a proposterous thought to have! Only that great fruit from the legends could be any better than Kiwis and obviously nobody could ever find that. Especially not Tom!"
But Tom smiled to himself. He knew better. And even if nobody wanted to listen, He would carry his lichis around, eating them until one day maybe, somebody would be curious enough to have a taste.